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$220 towards $3,000

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Towards Our Goal






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High Five for Arts Education

The High 5 for Art Education campaign is an initiative designed to raise awareness about the importance of arts education and to provide resources to support its continuation in our schools. As we continue fighting for equitable funding for arts education in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, providing educators opportunities to further expand efforts in decolonizing arts education in Maryland classrooms and empowering communities to advocate for quality arts education their children deserve, we invite you to join the AEMS High Five for Arts Education Drive.

Let’s High Five 5 for Arts Education today!

We ask that you:

AEMS is committed to ensuring that all students in the state of Maryland have access to high quality arts education by mobilizing power to communities through advocacy programs, professional and leadership programs, and resource building and sharing. We envision a public education system in Maryland that supports, cultivates, nurtures, and uplifts ALL students’ creativity through a robust arts education experience so that they can thrive in a healthy society.

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Giving $50 Per Month

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